To explain, explore and incorporate the true root cause of why our bodies become ill with autoimmune diseases and pre autoimmune diseases, specifically, beyond our body’s own chemistry and at the quantum level where it truly all begins. We are all made up of energy, frequency and vibration,, which makes us susceptible to another’s energy as well as the energy of an immediate environment or situation. We are spiritual beings residing in these physical bodies. Quantum Physics and related fields, have evolved enough that scientists have been able to measure and quantify the energy at this level, and are therefore able to study it in a meaningful way. Each of us has a “biofield”, an electromagnetic field surrounding us, sometimes referred to as an “aura” in some religions and parts of the world, that is affected by the incoming energy. Both positive and negative energy, frequencies, and vibrations are at play. It is the specific negative energy from a loved one or significant other which, if severe enough or chronic enough, begins to cause a cascade of metabolic and chemical reactions in the body that cause it to fall out of homeostasis and into disease. Body components such as mitochondria, (our spiritual wifi /antennas), mirror neurons, (our neural wifi), vagus nerve, and processes such as interoception, proprioception, and alexithymia play a crucial role in this process, as well as, the decoherence of quantum physical systems during the metabolic process leading to increased inflammation in the body.  I believe that the quantum field is where the missing answers are when it comes to the true cause of these specific illnesses. In the context of an abuser/victim dynamic, in the development of these specific illnesses, this can be broken down to the age old fight between evil vs good. The spirit/soul of the abuser is attempting to injure and maybe even annihilate its less submissive and powerful and often times harmless, victim, all for personal gain. It is a battle which begins at the spiritual level, within the quantum field and if this is the case, does it not make the manifestation of physical autoimmune diseases a SPIRITUAL ILLNESS of sorts??? This is what I believe these illnesses truly are and where they begin.

I have chosen the name “QUANTUM HURTING”, as the name of my new website and book because I believe “quantum hurting” is the area of the quantum field which holds the negative energy that is created and delivered to us, so it is within this area where autoimmune diseases lie in wait.  In this case, autoimmune diseases do not cause your immune system to get “confused” and start attacking your own body, as previously thought. The body is getting attacked externally, so internally it is taking orders and following suit. It is not confused at all, It. Knows. Exactly. What. It. Is. Doing. It is being sent an external message for self hatred and annihilation so it starts to “believe it” and mimics that message internally. The volatile emotion of anger, which is a secondary emotion to other primary emotions such as fear, is a big player in this process. I also explore successful healing therapies and modalities, notably- in the emerging field of “QUANTUM HEALING”, including the practice of biohacking. (The process of using mainly nutrition, nutrients and lifestyle to strategically “hack” and therefore alter genes.


Coming soon!


I was reading about quantum healing and how it is not just about the intentional healing of ourselves but also the intentional healing of others, collectively as a whole, our communities, cities, countries and the entire global community, using energy frequency and vibration. As I was reading, I had one of my thunderstruck epiphanies, as I have had numerous times during this journey. True downloads, I call them because I KNOW they are not coming from me….If there is a quantum healing that exists, then doesn’t it stand to reason that there would be a 180* degree opposite… a “quantum hurting” of sorts (just as all things have inversions of themselves) that precedes the “need” to heal? If so, this is the area I’m interested in because that is where autoimmune diseases lie in wait and nobody talks about this area. Quantum Hurting can be explained as, an act, place of, or timeframe, where this injury takes place. This area explains how the energy/frequency and vibration of another person’s words, actions, etc. be it passive or aggressive, can absolutely change the biofield and therefore their target person’s chemical metabolism, causing real dysregulation leading to inflammation in the immune system and eventually autoimmune disease.  This process sets off a cascade of negative effects, especially in the central nervous system, (think Vagus Nerve), the musculoskeletal system, HPA Axis, as well as mentally and spiritually. Quantum Hurting can also been seen as, the cumulative physical effects of the negative energy, frequency and vibrations (either intentional or unintentional) exerted/projected by one person to another.

The idea behind “Quantum Healing”, a term coined by none other that, Dr. Deepak Chopra, himself, is that it, “describes how our thoughts beliefs and attitudes affect the way we experience illness and the health in our lives. It is grounded in the notion of interconnectedness. It operates on the principle that everything is connected in the universe, including our bodies, and is connected at the fundamental level. This interconnectedness implies that changes in one part of the system, either purposeful, or accidental, (like our energy/biofield), can have far reaching and profound effects on the whole system and in turn, our overall health.” (awakendandalign.com/article-What Is Quantum Healing and How Does It Work?)

In the book, “Quantum Healing”, Dr. Deepak Chopra, MD., introduces this term as “a way to explain certain types of sudden and dramatic healing of the human body, such as the spontaneous remissions, and healing from illnesses that were thought to be incurable or a “death sentence”, that are not understood by conventional/western medicine.” This spontaneous healing happened to ME! Once the offending source was removed from my immediate environment and with little more that just some new found hope and peace, I was no longer testing positive for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, nor were my inflammatory markers (SED rate and CRP) showing excessive or even moderate inflammation! I was feeling so much better! Now, at the time, I did not know that it was this removal of the offending source, new found hope and inner peace that were automatically healing me without me even realizing it. That is right, it wasn’t until after I started healing that I went on this enormous journey to educate my self to have an understanding of what happened to me. After discovering the newer sciences that are able to explain this process, a whole new world opened up for me!

In the book, Chopra goes on to discuss his belief- “these extraordinary , but few forms of healing are related to the understandings of quantum physics and consciousness. Just as quantum physics  aims to describe physical phenomena normally hidden at the subatomic level, so quantum healing is a directed to healing at that level a well.”

Chopra talks about how the “quantum level is the smallest most fundamental scale of the energy and matter in the entire universe.” So it is at this level that Deepak postulates shifts and alterations can be made, which heal the body. In other words, “this concept suggests that purposeful alterations in our energy  field (biofield) can directly influence our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.”

It is within this fact that I can validate and make a solid case for the existence of  the opposite- “quantum hurting”- the negative energy/freq/vibe, place, act of, process, as well as the cumulative effect of it. Simply put, if there are positive energies/freq/vibes out there and they have the ability to create positive effects and therefore outcomes, then the same would be true of the negative energies out there.

After I had this little (big?!?) epiphany/download, I had another quick download that told me to “trademark, the term, “Quantum Hurting” and secure the domain name”, so I did both! The universe knows what it’s doing…✨


Here it is, October 18, 2023 and now I understand why “something” was blocking me from returning to my book writing, which I left off in 2019, I remember wanting to get back to it but every time I’d look over at my writing nook, it’s like there was a big brick wall there blocking my access to it. I could see it in my head, a big gray wall…cinder block to be exact.

That didn’t really make much sense to me at the time, all I knew is that “something” was preventing me from simply, physically walking over to my writing nook, where my desk was located, sitting down and resuming. Weird! Never in my wildest could I imagine what that reason might end up being. It was actually a tremendous realization! Now I know the “WHY” and how that all ties into the big picture of what my book is about, the direction I want to take it, and the many messages it is trying to convey and the newer sciences I am helping to introduce. Had I continued where I left off at the time (approx. 5  yrs ago), I would have missed what I believe to be the absolute under-pinning of the “root cause” of WHY people really develop auto immune diseases. Let me repeat that, I am not just talking about identifying the root cause of these full blown auto immune diseases but going much deeper than that and identifying the “why” behind your body’s reaction to trauma/adversity, in the first place, especially when the offender is a parent, family member or trusted superior and the abuse is sustained over a prolonged period of time. I looked to the quantum field. It was here that I found my answers. The quantum field, specifically the Quantum Hurting part (180* opposite of Quantum Healing), is where auto immune diseases lie in wait. It’s the place where science, religion and spirituality all intersect and we are learning more about it everyday.

I think at this point, most of us have learned that auto immune diseases are driven by inflammation. OK, but what is “initiating and driving” such a massive amount of inflammation (and what’s causing that , by the way) that your body switches into “self-attack/self betrayal” mode? It’s not because you’re eating too many fries or not exercising enough or being too sedentary. Sure, those things can cause and exacerbate inflammation but not the massive amount and type that it takes to brew up these internal storms known as autoimmune diseases Well, so far, I have researched toxic materials and metals such as; lead and none of those studies clearly show a cause and effect relationship between any of those and the sustained illness of a full blown autoimmune disease. There are correlations/associations, but no distinct causation listed in any of those studies. I’ll go even a step further by adding that not only is there not a clear cause and effect relationship established but none of those studies properly controlled for trauma/abuse/adversity within their test subjects (which turns out to be the biggest cause of these illnesses after the fact). So doesn’t that make those studies inherently flawed and therefore invalid anyway?!?

Since I couldn’t write the last few years, due to a severe case of writer’s block, I kept my self very busy. I went to real estate school and am now selling new homes for a major builder in a new community here in Southern Arizona. I knew writing, publishing and marketing a book would be very costly so I needed a way to fund my venture! I also ended up absolutely loving my new career and company and in the meantime, I continued my truth finding journey….What I learned was astonishingly deep. Because of my personal experiences and previous research, I had learned that when an individual develops an auto immune illness from the abuse/trauma of a loved one, specifically their caretakers, their “spirit/soul” becomes damaged and eventually broken, as a result the body begins developing the same overall set of symptoms, which eventually end up as a full blown auto immune disease. A psychoanalyst researching abuse in children, by the name of, William Niederland, developed the term “soul murder” as the effect it had on its young victims. An effect that was the “erasing awareness and cultivating denial are often seen as essential to survival, but the price is that you lose track of who you are, of what you are feeling, and of what and whom you can trust.” Not to mention, that is exactly what it feels like. That always stuck with me because that is exactly what the perpetrator/abuser is doing (on purpose). They are trying to badly injure and even kill your spirit, your very essence and therefore soul. Their abuse is designed to get you to try to doubt yourself and then hate yourself and make you believe you have all types of deficiencies and are therefore bad or faulty. They want to breed self directed anger, dislike and hatred, within you. Now being very spiritual, I came to a massive realization that with the above in mind, does that not make auto immune diseases SPIRITUAL AILMENTS/ILLNESSES, FIRST, before they even physically manifest?!? Hmmmm….

During this time, I also had to come to the harsh realization that there is an awful lot of evil in this world. No, I mean deep dark evil that goes beyond anything we could have ever imagined. And it is real and it is powerful. Those that partake literally enjoy imparting harm and destruction on good, God loving and innocent people and watching their pain, may times with a twinkle in their eye. Now with that in mind, doesn’t that sound an awful lot like attempts to purposefully annihilate someone’s spirit and inner happiness? That is actually the overall big picture dynamic of the Good vs evil war, isn’t it?

Maybe we need to do less needle injections and pill popping and work on modalities that heal and nurture that badly broken spirit and soul, such as, positive affirmations, long walks in nature, light yoga, stretching, self-care activities, purposeful and restorative nutrition (biohacking), restoring your positive self image and self talk and possibly most important of all-self LOVE. Forgiveness is also an incredible healer as well. Bottom up type therapies are very effective. Much of this is what helped me spontaneously heal, unknowingly at first, until I noticed it. I only started investigated when I mysteriously began to heal after my divorce from a marriage of almost 30 yrs.

Then I dove even deeper…I wanted to know about the worst of the worst, what the most depraved psychopaths are capable of and sadly I learned about the horrific systematic ritual abuse of children. Done in the name of Gods that most of us don’t pray to. Abuse beyond imagination that is designed to “split” the child’s psyche. Done for the purpose of greatly increasing the likelihood of the victim developing multiple personality disorders, etc. Abused to the point that when they look in the mirror, they no longer recognize themselves! On a deeper level, these spirits have been so obliterated (on purpose), that they NO LONGER RECONGIZE THE PERSON STARING BACK AT THEM IN THE MIRROR! Sounds like an awful lot of spirit and soul murder going on here. At the very least, this is a spiritual crisis of epic proportions that goes back to the basic fundamental battle between good and evil. The perpetrator is never good, well intentioned or having your best interests in mind but rather, intentionally tear you down and then revel in the pain you’re enduring in a sadistic way with little to no remorse. They watch, very pleased with themselves, as you are reduced to nearly nothing. This has EVIL written all over it, while quite the opposite is true of the victim. They are usually children or at the very least, vulnerable or meek and terribly overpowered by no fault of their own. “God’s” sweet little angels sent from heaven, ya?!? The central nervous system and immune system can only make sense of such an opposing and insidious intrusion into itself by going into fight or flight, which in turn begins the process of creating a pro-inflammatory environment within the immune system which in turn begins to attack the body. Yes, the body betrays itself. It self. SELF. THE SELF. But it is not confused. It takes that corresponding message inward and starts mimicking what it’s been enduring on the outside but inwardly directed at that new/stranger that it now dislikes and maybe even despises.  Probably not the first time you’ve heard that notion. The spirit and essence of that child has been so battered that it no longer recognizes itself as “itself”. It now becomes part self and part stranger, especially to the immune system, which now identifies this “stranger” element/ invader, an antagonist, if you will, within us that it feels it must attack it and continue a prolonged and ongoing attack.

I believe this makes autoimmune diseases both a paradox and a living contradiction.  paradox because it truly defies logical and expectations. A contradiction because the body contradicts itself. Betrays itself because part of it has become alien, an intruder. Part something that the “whole”  doesn’t like/want and this certainly can get much worse.

Now I have a question for you-which emotion can we usually associate with betrayal? We would feel a level of sadness, bitter, etc ultimately leading to the big bad emotion of Anger. Yes, now we are on to something! Could it be that the person being beaten down begins to believe and therefore internalize the messages being fed to them by their perpetrator? You’re a terrible person, you are worthless, If you had done that then I wouldn’t have had to do this, I wish you were never born and worse, much, much, much worse. The victim starts taking on this hatred for self and begins the bitter descent into self-disgust, self-disappointment, and eventual full blown self-hatred because I can tell you that the perpetrator WANTS YOU TO START DISTRUSTING AND HATING YOURSELF. Evil trumping good, on a spiritual level. And because we are spiritual beings made of vibration, frequency and energy, manifested as the human body, it does cause malfunctions in the body. OF COURSE, IT DOES! This all eventually manifests into the set of symptoms they call auto immune diseases. They don’t start out as full blown autos, however, they like to creep up on you disguised as such things as Fibromyalgia, IBS, PTSD, Thyroid issues, chronic fatigue syndrome and other gut/GI issues, muscle pain/stiffness, headaches and the like. As the inflammation increase in the immune system, things worsen, and disease develops.

THE CHAIN OF EVENTS (In progress-New components added weekly!)

How negative energy/frequency & vibration from the quantum field/a person's biofield, is transferred to another's biofield and affects their body chemistry enough to cause inflammation and autoimmune diseases, specifically.








*Where science, religion, and spirituality all intersect. Where the smallest unit of measurement can be found.

*Where quantum and emotional entanglement takes place.

*The place trauma originates and manifests from. (QUANTUM HURTING).

*Where the invisible energy around us lies in wait to be manifested, either positively or negatively into this 3 D universe.

*The ever present field or sea of vibration that permeates the world we exist in-energy at the smallest scales, typically,  atoms and subatomic particles are at play.(Medium.com-Article-Quantum Mechanics and Spiritual Consciousness: Navigating the Confluence of Science and Mysticism)

*This higher source of intelligence is what our consciousness taps into through focused thought, meditation and intention, etc. from a spiritual perspective.

*Quantum superposition provides a scientific basis for the above spiritual principle, demonstrating  the world is malleable and therefore filled with opportunities to be manifested.

* Quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and the observer effect, demonstrate how quantum physics and spirituality, can relate.

*Spirituality’s place of “Oneness” and profound interconnectedness.



*Also referred to as the aura, it is an electromagnetic field which extends about 5 feet outward from the body itself. It sustains life and interacts with other energies, both positive and negative. The biofield holds emotions (emotional energy) and manipulates the chemical and metabolic reactions in our bodies. 

*The point where the body intakes the energy and decides whether or not to accept, reject, deflect, absorb or transmute it.

*Mirror neurons and mitochondria scan this and surroundings to detect the outside environment for how to react internally at the chemical level. If detecting danger, it can cause trauma to the body within the internal systems by causing dysregulation.

*Conduit for information transmission

*Connected to consciousness


*Our “6th sense”

* The internal feelings we experience which is the foundation for our emotions.

*The point where the being/body has accepted the energy and begins to internalize it.

*Emotions driving this process are sadness, anger, hopelessness and even deep unfamiliar emotions difficult or unable to identify and process (Alexithymia)

*Uses mirror neurons, as well as, mitochondria and photons to assess the external environment and scan for any dangers.

*Mirror Neurons- Created by the frontal lobes. Considered “neural wifi” specialized cells in the cortex, which allow a person to “feel into” someone else and their energy. Pick up subtle ques from another’s emotional state, physical movement, and possible underlying true intention. Crucial in healing from trauma/abuse. Help explain empathy, synchrony and imitation. Allows a person to life vicariously thru watching another’s actions. Involved in alexithymia. (TBKTS – pg 58)

*Mitochondria-the Powerhouse of the cell and make energy for cellular processes. Programs  cell death (apoptosis affects nearly all metabolic processes). Stores and releases energy. 

*People already traumatized will perceive potential danger in their surroundings much more often than those not traumatized, which is problematic and keeps the body in the stress response mode. Perception matters. (Article: Mitochondrial Health: Introducing the “Powerhouse of the Cell)

*This process involves the amygdala, vagus nerve limbic system and the anterior insular cortex, which has shown to help with encoding and the representation of interoceptive information.(Website; elife.com /article-“Anterior Insular Cortex Plays a Critical Role In Interoceptive Attention”.)

*The incoming information during this process is incorporated within and causes chemical changes in the body which effect the metabolism as well as the immune system. 


*Quantum Metabolism-the sum of all the chemical reactions systematically taking place in the body, which break down food molecules into energy to aid in tissue repair and support. (Website; https://www.deepakchopra.com/  video;” How To Stay In Touch With Your Quantum Body”)

*The stage in the process where the internalization of the energies, be it pos. or neg. begin to manifest physically at the smallest levels.

*The de-coherence of quantum physical systems take place. This puts forth a reasonable framework for the appearance of wave-function collapse. Decoherence is needed to understand why a quantum system begins to obey classical probability rules after interacting with its environment.

*Quantum Metabolism takes place-the sum of all chemical reactions that happen inside the body. These reactions break down food molecules into energy and help to build and repair tissue. 

*Mitochondria-(coming soon)

*Nano scale molecular motors leads to negative entropy kicking off the chronic stress response, leading to the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the immune system.


*The chronic stress response and the corresponding messages being sent both afferently and efferently, from the vagus nerve to the gut and brain are causing an overload of proinflammatory cytokines to develop within the immune system.

*Before the inflammation begins causing full blown autoimmune diseases, it will cause such illnesses as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HPA Axis issues as well as IBS, PTSD and gluten sensitivity , to name a few.(At this stage, inflammation is causing physical symptoms but not severe enough to have proinflammatory cytokines develop in the immune system-or not enough to be detected in bloodwork.)

*When inflammation is severe and chronic enough, the immune system will begin to develop antinuclear antibodies for a specific autoimmune disease. (the exact disease developed is believed to have a genetic component, possibly dictated by a systems or genetic weakness.)

*Main corresponding emotions which drive the inflammatory process are mainly ANGER (outward and self directed), also sadness and hopelessness.


*Once the immune system has started creating antinuclear antibodies for a specific autoimmune disease, it will begin its internal attack on the body. The immune system targets specific systems, organs, etc. depending on which disease develops.

*Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, tends to attack both the joints as well as organs, namely the kidneys and liver. Rheumatoid Arthritis tends to attack the joints as well and can also attack internal organs. Multiple Sclerosis tends to attack the myelin sheaths that protect nerves, and so on…



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