If you have developed any of these illnesses from trauma, abuse, or adversity, all the micro, macro, pro, pre, post anything “biotics” or “special nutrients” are not going to heal you from these diseases (as some nutritional and supplement companies will lead you to believe). This problem is not “starting in your gut”, as these companies and doctors like to say. The problem actually starts with these negative external forces, and even when these external forces (trauma, abuse, adversity in childhood, teen years, or adulthood) come in contact with your body, IT IS STILL NOT STARTING IN THE GUT. “It” (this specific process) actually starts with the THALAMUS AND AMYGDALA, when the thalamus sends incoming information to the amygdala, which misinterprets it as danger (falsely or accurately), then sends a corresponding signal to the Vagus Nerve, which THEN lets the gut biome in on the info. Here’s the “thing’… Probiotics and “special nutrients” are not going to help your emotional brain (limbic system) and your rational brain reconcile, re-attune or integrate their past trauma into new experiences. Nor can they make your insula stop sending signals to your amygdala to stop sending you into “fight or flight” , whenever “it feels like it.” No nutrients, microbiotics or anything else you ingest is going to make your husband or boyfriend stop mistreating you…although I sure wish they’d make a pill for that, or better yet, a suppository…for them! ha! Or maybe even a spray…..oh wait, there already is a spray for this…it’s called MACE! lol Seriously though, no fruit, vegetable, or yogurty “good bacteria” goodness, you ingest is going to get your rational brain back “on-line”, and in charge or heal all the invisible psychological damage and false beliefs that have set in. No powders you mix in your drink will make you be able to weed through and undo the swampy internal soup of “inner chaos” and sensations these “victims” end up with, which consists of deep seeded psychological issues related to, “Stockholm Syndrome”, ‘Cognitive Dissonance”, “Learned Helplessness”, and all the maladaptive coping mechanisms we developed along the way. Pills and supplements cannot repair your spirit, soul, self-esteem or self-worth we’ve lost as a result of these experiences. I do think essential nutrients and “biotics”, etc. can be a good adjunct treatment or re-enforcement to a degree but many nutritionists, functional medicine doctors and those selling supplements in general would like you to believe what they are selling (which is very expensive) will HEAL your autoimmune disorder or disease but that is just not true! Just like all the steroids and immunosuppressants in the world aren’t going to heal you either because the driving force behind these illnesses and the inflammation is Limbic System and Central Nervous System malfunction, from being all ramped up in “survival mode” all the time. Drugs and “nutrients” DO NOT “reset’ the hyperactive faulty state your body is in. These diseases must be treated accordingly if we are ever to heal our bodies from these terrible storms!🌪🌪🌪