THE PSYCHOPATH, SOCIOPATH AND NARCISSIST (AKA. SOULSPIRIT MURDERERS) “They can sell ice cream to an Eskimo…but like an entire lifetime […]
Important information on how to identify and deal with these pathological potentially dangerous “personality types.”
THE PSYCHOPATH, SOCIOPATH AND NARCISSIST (AKA. SOULSPIRIT MURDERERS) “They can sell ice cream to an Eskimo…but like an entire lifetime […]
“Handsome is as handsome does”~ my father (in reference to my ex-husband) It’s important for
ABUSERS (Psychopaths/Sociopaths/ Narcissists/ Antisocial personality disorder) I I I / DOMESTIC ABUSE (physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, neglect, etc) I I
“Simmahhh downnn nowww!” “It is the punishment we give ourselves, for somebody else’s mistake”… I’m not exactly sure who created
If you had any doubts, here it is, straight from the “horse’s mouth” Here’s a passage from H G Tudor’s book,