This morning I went for a little walk on this great new walking path close to my house and as I was “snake scanning” (yes, it’s that time of year here in Arizona), I noticed this little clump of grass, growing in the smallest of cracks, all by itself surrounded by an island of hard asphalt. I thought to myself- “does he even realize any of this or the odds he beat???” (Yes, I like to give inanimate objects not only a designated sex, but also personality traits, depending on the situation, and the object, and sometimes my mood.) I quickly took a picture and went on my way, pondering how that transfers over and applies to real life. I think much of it can be summed up by acknowledging that without these ” false mental constructs” that hold us back only in our minds, those invisible parameters and sometimes prisons we bind ourselves by and keep ourselves in, create fear and doubt that paralyze us and often keeps us from making needed changes, achieving goals or moving forward in our lives. If we “think we cannot do it” well then you probably aren’t going to be able to! Believing we can do something and taking the active steps to accomplish it, is going to inevitably take us out of our comfort zones and into new unfamiliar territories. If we don’t ever take a chance or a leap of faith (as I’m doing by creating this website and book to follow), we will never know what we could have accomplished in our lives or the people we could have helped, or the things we could have changed for the better. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing and is necessary for personal growth. It not only allows us to DREAM BIG, it allows us to ACHIEVE BIG!!!
So I was looking at this picture when I got home and doesn’t it look like the other “spectator” “little grasses” on the right sideline…kinda look like they’re leaning over, cheering him on! 👏🎉👏 And yes, I came up with all of this, just from that little clump of grass! Be safe, be well and try to find your inspiration wherever it is, you may be! 😘