



           My name is JJ (nickname) and I have created “IAMTHESTORMWARRIOR.COM” as a way of educating, raising awareness, advocating and healing.  This website is also a preview of the book I am currently writing.   I experienced some profound life altering events, which I almost did not survive.  You see, I was married to a man for almost 30 years, who turned out to be a legitimate “ Narcissistic Psychopath”,  I just didn’t realize it!   I knew he was “something”, I just didn’t know “what”, exactly.   A few short years after my marriage began and after some “bombs” had been dropped on me, compliments of my husband’s severe personality disorder and the corresponding rising tension, volatility and chaos, I started getting sick.  I mean really sick, like serious autoimmune disease sick.   First, I developed Fibromyalgia then Systemic Lupus (SLE~the kind that completely turns your life upside down, leaves you jobless, incredibly weak, exhausted, and in bed with massive amounts of pain and inflammation.)  One that leaves you with absolutely ZERO quality of life and my doctors and I couldn’t figure out why.  After my divorce, I noticed I mysteriously started healing, so I investigated. and along with some golden hindsight and a crazy coincidence (or a little divine intervention???), I was finally able to identify so many of his abusive behaviors and came to understand that I had been enduring some very extensive domestic abuse…….mostly the ‘invisible” kind, which just so happens to be the most damaging, especially over time.   It was this realization which led me to the fact that it was this abuse that had caused my illnesses!!!   MASSIVE EPIPHANIES AND REALIZATIONS FOLLOWED!!!  This compelled me to go on an educational, truth and fact finding journey, which has allowed me to come full circle with my traumatic experiences and with the ability to understand and the vocabulary to describe in detail, my experiences, personal insights, and the subject matter relating to these main areas of; (1) Abusers (namely narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, all aka. antisocial personality disorder), (2) Domestic and child abuse/violence and intimate partner violence, and the newer research coming out of the areas of (3) neuroscience, developmental psychopathology, and interpersonal neurobiology and  epigenetics.   This research information, much of which hasn’t even reached doctors yet much less the general public, has shown us that surprisingly, it is the “invisible” verbal, emotional and psychological abuses that are the MOST insidious and damaging to the psyche and to our physiology.   These include, excessive yelling, neglect, abandonment and rejection.    In fact, this science and research shows us exactly how verbal, emotional, psychological abuse , neglect, oppression, trauma (from war, natural disasters, etc), adversity, and the corresponding strong tormenting emotions and opposing internal impulses are CAUSING THE VAST AMOUNT, IF NOT THE MAJORITY OF, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES AND “PRE- AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE” ILLNESSES, SUCH AS, CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME, FIBROMYALGIA, IBS, PTSD, ASTHMA, THYROID DISORDERS AND MORE.  This new information explains this process from beginning to end,  something science has not been able to do with most other known causes of autoimmune diseases. 

          After 2 failed attempts at filing police complaints against my ex and learning about the systemic failures of law enforcement and the laws designed to protect the abusers, I also want to put a warning sign around the “collective neck” of these abusers because the law failed me at this.. TWICE.  This is unacceptable!

          After weathering some pretty wicked storms and realizing that I had apparently been “sitting” on some very valuable experiences and information, I made the decision to share it with the public, not just as a therapeutic and constructive way for me to heal but because I see all the confusion out there regarding these three “difficult to talk about” subjects, especially with autoimmune diseases.  This website contains my own private blood, sweat, and tears, and encompasses all that I’ve experienced, learned and gained wisdom from, up to this point in my life.  I bravely and proudly present this to you as a place to educate, heal and connect with others who have suffered from similar experiences.  

          My hope is that I can bring some clarity and direction to those whose  shoes I’ve been in, those suffering from abuse or trauma and those who’ve developed these illnesses and don’t understand why.   It is truly a horrible and hopeless feeling not knowing why you are suffering from a severe, painful disease for which there is no cure.  I survived the 30 year ‘storm’, that was my marriage, barely, with a devil who kept telling me I wasn’t strong enough to, and he almost took me down, many times.  I also survived this “storm” in my body when the disease was at its worst and now I’m healing!  Then I realized something...I COULD BE A POWERFUL STORM TOO!!!  A storm that comes to clear a path for better understanding, to right the wrongs, create justice for myself, my children, and others. and to  heal and bring hope to others.
🌸Wishing you lots of love and happiness!🌸 



DONATIONS; If you find this website educational or interesting, please consider making a donation to help with website and bookmaking costs, as I am currently writing my very first book about my experiences with each of these subject matters.  THANK YOU!!!

1 thought on “ABOUT ME”

  1. You are so brave JJ. I am sorry for what you had to endure but am absolutely not surprised you were able to start the healing as the JJ that I’ve known since my teens is a brave, strong, and competitive human. Thank you for sharing your story!

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